This app is about Unsolved Mysteries. What you are about to see is not a news broadcast. Explore the hit television show from the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s. Read cases, submit tips, and send in your own story. Join us, perhaps you may be able to help solve a mystery!
This app includes many of our unsolved case files:
• Missing
• Murder
• Wanted
• Unexplained Death
• Legend
• UFO’s
• Ghosts
• Psychics
• Treasure
• Lost Loves
• Science
You can read about solved cases, and our most recent UPDATES. You can submit a tip for one of the unsolved cases, or send us your own mystery. Use our interactive map to see which unsolved mysteries are closest to your location. Have access to our website where you can see current mysteries submitted by people like you, and see the latest news in the world of mysteries. For every mystery, there is someone, somewhere, who knows the truth. Perhaps … it’s you.
About Unsolved Mysteries:
Unsolved Mysteries was first broadcast in January of 1987, and is one of the longest running programs in the history of television. Segment categories include: murder, missing persons, wanted fugitives, UFOs, ghosts, paranormal, missing heirs, amnesia, fraud, among others.
Unsolved Mysteries was the first television series to introduce an audience interactive call-to-action requesting viewer tips to help solve real cases. Out of more than 1000 cases profiled in 260 episodes, over half the cases featuring wanted fugitives have been solved, most as a result of viewer tips. More than one hundred families have been reunited with lost loved ones and several cases involving missing heirs, murder, fraud and amnesia have also been solved. In seven cases, individuals wrongly convicted of crimes have been released following UM broadcasts.
Questa applicazione è di circa Unsolved Mysteries. Quello che state per vedere non è un notiziario. Esplora il programma televisivo di successo degli anni '80, '90 e 2000 di. Leggi i casi, presentare suggerimenti, e inviare la propria storia. Unisciti a noi, forse si può essere in grado di aiutare a risolvere un mistero!
Questa applicazione include molti dei nostri file caso irrisolto:
• Mancanti
• Omicidio
• Ricercato
• La morte inspiegabile
• Leggenda
• fantasmi
• Cartomanzia
• Tesoro
• amori perduti
• Scienza
Si può leggere su casi risolti, ed i nostri ultimi aggiornamenti. Puoi inviare un suggerimento per uno dei casi irrisolti, o inviare il proprio mistero. Utilizza la nostra mappa interattiva per vedere quali misteri irrisolti sono più vicino a te. Avere accesso al nostro sito web dove si possono vedere i misteri attuali presentate da persone come te, e vedere le ultime novità nel mondo di misteri. Per ogni mistero, c'è qualcuno, da qualche parte, che conosce la verità. Forse ... sei tu.
A proposito di Unsolved Mysteries:
Unsolved Mysteries è stato prima trasmissione nel gennaio del 1987, ed è uno dei programmi in esecuzione più lunghi della storia della televisione. categorie del settore includono: omicidio, persone scomparse, ha voluto fuggitivi, gli UFO, fantasmi, paranormale, eredi, amnesia, la frode, tra gli altri dispersi.
Unsolved Mysteries è stata la prima serie televisiva di introdurre un pubblico interattivo call-to-action chiedendo suggerimenti spettatori per aiutare a risolvere casi reali. Su oltre 1000 casi profilate in 260 episodi, oltre la metà dei casi dotate voluto latitanti sono stati risolti, più come risultato di punte spettatori. Più di un centinaio di famiglie sono stati riuniti con i propri cari persi e molti casi di eredi mancanti, l'omicidio, la frode e l'amnesia sono stati risolti. In sette casi, gli individui ingiustamente condannate per reati sono stati rilasciati seguenti trasmissioni di messaggistica unificata.
This app is about Unsolved Mysteries. What you are about to see is not a news broadcast. Explore the hit television show from the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s. Read cases, submit tips, and send in your own story. Join us, perhaps you may be able to help solve a mystery!
This app includes many of our unsolved case files:
• Missing
• Murder
• Wanted
• Unexplained Death
• Legend
• UFO’s
• Ghosts
• Psychics
• Treasure
• Lost Loves
• Science
You can read about solved cases, and our most recent UPDATES. You can submit a tip for one of the unsolved cases, or send us your own mystery. Use our interactive map to see which unsolved mysteries are closest to your location. Have access to our website where you can see current mysteries submitted by people like you, and see the latest news in the world of mysteries. For every mystery, there is someone, somewhere, who knows the truth. Perhaps … it’s you.
About Unsolved Mysteries:
Unsolved Mysteries was first broadcast in January of 1987, and is one of the longest running programs in the history of television. Segment categories include: murder, missing persons, wanted fugitives, UFOs, ghosts, paranormal, missing heirs, amnesia, fraud, among others.
Unsolved Mysteries was the first television series to introduce an audience interactive call-to-action requesting viewer tips to help solve real cases. Out of more than 1000 cases profiled in 260 episodes, over half the cases featuring wanted fugitives have been solved, most as a result of viewer tips. More than one hundred families have been reunited with lost loved ones and several cases involving missing heirs, murder, fraud and amnesia have also been solved. In seven cases, individuals wrongly convicted of crimes have been released following UM broadcasts.